See to it that no one be deprived …

See to it that no one be deprived of the grace of God.  Imagine yourself as a teenager again.  You have asked your father to give you  and your friend’s a ride to the movies, but all he does is look  into your eyes in silence.  The a grin flashes across his...

Woe to you!

Woe to you!  A group of British actors produced a television skit based on Shakespeare’s famous line from Hamlet: ” To be, or not to be: that is the question.”  In the skit, the actors argued over how to say the line, one read it as “To be or...

I will follow you…

I will follow you, Lord, but first… Following the Lord is never convenient.  If it were up to us, the time would never be quite right.  There is always just one project to finish, one medical challenge to overcome, one relationship to patch up, one person to...

He resolutely determined to…

He resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem. Surgery looms – or a tax audit or a trip to the dentist.  Something we have to set our faces resolutely to the unpleasantness ahead and keep moving forward, even if it is all we can think about. That is not the...

Whoever receives this child…

Whoever receives this child in my name receives me.  What is in a name?  A lot? Or not very much at all? You might say, “Booth”.  Because if your name is Jesus, that is really something!  But it is “something” for you only to the degree that...

Lying at his door was a poor man…

Lying at his door was a poor man.  Some theologians believe that few will go to heaven.  Other theologians hold that the mercy of God is so great that many, if not most, will go to heaven.  But no one knows for sure. Lets look at the story about the relationship...

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