They are the ones who

They are the ones who…bear fruit through perseverance. Perseverance and consistency are also very important to our spiritual growth.  We not only have to hear the word of God “with a generous and good heart,” but we have to persist in hearing it and...

Accompanying him were

Accompanying him were…many others Jesus was such a mesmerizing preacher and powerful healer that he could have had a very effective ministry on his own.  He was a miracle worker who could command evil spirits, the wind, and the waves.  He could call down food,...

Standing by the cross

Standing by the cross of Jesus… What is compassion?  Think about how helpless you can feel when you see someone you love suffer.  That person is hurting.  You try to comfort them, but you can not take away the pain.  All you can do is share it. Or thank about a...

He humbled himself

He humble himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. The design of the cross is so simple. It is just two lines, but the entire gospel can be found in them.  Picture one vertical stroke from God descending and intersecting the horizon of the sky....

He stepped forward and touched the coffin

He stepped forward and touched the coffin; at this the bearers halted. did you know that this is the only time that the city of Nain is mentioned in the Bible? It is also one of the few times, Luke notes that location of an event.  Some believe that the city was about...

I am not worthy…

Lord…I am not worthy. What faith! This centurion – a Gentile – makes a humble confession to Jesus, admitting that he is not worthy to have Jesus enter his home. He even sends Jewish elders to plead his case for him because he feels it would be...

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