She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus

Do you think the Virgin Mary had a “bucket list”? A bucket list is a popular trend in which people make a list of goals that they want to accomplish before they die: things like writing their life story, visiting a foreign city, or going skydiving. It is...

Rejoice and leap for joy on that day!

Have you ever heard of the Duchenne smile? It is that big broad grin that lights up your whole face and crinkles the lines around your eyes. Neurologists say that smiling like this – even if it is a forced smile that feels fake – can make a difference in...

Brother goes to court against brother?

In his book “Ah, But Your Land Is Beautiful”, South African novelist Alan Paton tells a story about reconciliation that hits very close to home for his readers. In the story, a black pastor named Isaiah Buti comes to a white man, Chief Justice Olivier, to...

Why are you doing what is unlawful?

Don’t you love how Jesus comes to his disciples’ defense? Even though he himself is not accused, he speaks up on their behalf. He doesn’t want their accusers to misunderstand his well-meaning disciples or his gospel message. So he tells them that...

Thus should one regard us

Thus should one regard us; as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. If you have read “The Lord of the Rings” books or watched the movies, you may remember Denethor, the steward of Condor. Like his ancestors before him, he governed and...

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