21st Week in Ordinary Time

Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.

“Jesus, my Savior, I believe that you are the power and wisdom of God. But it can be so hard to understand what this means. Many times, the way you show your power and wisdom doesn’t make much sense to me.

“You are the omnipotent Creator of the universe. So why did you come to us as a helpless infant? When I think of you, born in such a humble setting, dependent on Mary and Joseph, you don’t seem so powerful. But as I look with the perspective of the Holy Spirit, I see how much you love us. You wanted to share every aspect of our human nature, the laugher and the tears, the hard work and the weariness, the satisfaction and the disappointment. In your wisdom, you showed us what it looks like to be a fully human son of God!

“Lord, some of the things you said didn’t make much sense to me at first. Is it really wise to love my enemies and turn the other cheek toward someone who strikes me? Is there really no limit to the number of times you expect me to forgive someone who wrongs me? But now I see that this is how you loved us from the cross, even when we were your enemies. This is how you forgive me, by showing patience with all my mistakes and sins. The wisdom of your teachings lived out—most directly through your suffering, death, and resurrection—shows your Father’s power to overcome evil.

“When I look at the wars and violence in the world around me, Jesus, I wonder why you don’t intervene with your power to set everything right. I ask myself how you can bring anything good out of the prejudice, greed, and exploitation that ravage your people. But I am coming to understand that it’s when I see with your eyes that I can start to make sense out of it all. Even when I don’t understand now, I know that all my questions will one day be answered. You have the power to bring good out of everything, even woe. And in your wisdom, you will do it.”

“Lord, I place my trust in your tenacious and overwhelming love for me.”

1 Corinthians 1:17-25
Psalm 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11
Matthew 25:1-13


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