Cleanse first the inside of the cup.
Ice cream sundaes, quickly consumed, can leave a lovely fluted dish splotched with leftover cherry pits, chocolate sprinkles, and nuts. The dish looks pretty on the outside, but the inside is a sticky mess. That’s like the image Jesus used to get these Pharisees’ attention. We know some Pharisees, like Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, believed in Jesus and became his disciples. But these Pharisees despised him.
Jesus’ rebuke might sound harsh; it might even make you squirm inside. After all, most of us know his words could just as easily apply to us. But Jesus isn’t trying to shame the Pharisees (or us) into change. He is trying to draw our gaze to the truth: only Jesus can cleanse the “inside of the cup,” our hearts.
No matter how forcefully Jesus’ words strike you, be assured of this: God is not mad at you. He loves you intensely, and he is trying to open your eyes to the leftover mess in your heart. His rebuke is meant as an invitation to turn back to him.
St. Augustine once told God, “You made me see that there was something to see.” Augustine saw Jesus and his holiness, and that shed light on his own need for God and his potential to be like Jesus. “You called and shouted,” he acknowledged, “and broke through my deafness.”
Jesus was shouting to break through the Pharisees’ deafness. God, who is good and gentle, is also powerful and wise. Don’t be frightened by the power of his voice. He isn’t screaming at you, “Hey you, your cup is filthy!” He’s inviting you closer so that you can hear him calling out, “Here I am! Let me help you.”
Jesus wants to help you. He wants you to be holy just as he is holy. He wants to hold your hand and guide you as you deal with whatever separates you from him. Perhaps he will lead you to look at what is gumming up your sundae dish. Perhaps it will lead to the confessional for a thorough scrubbing. Once everything is cleared away, the Spirit will deepen your faith in Jesus—and give you a deeper experience of his love.
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