Do not be terrified. 

Time and time again, predictions of the world’s end have captured public attention, just as they do now.   Even Jesus had to deal with this kind of speculation.   When will the world end?   How will we know it’s happening?

Far from offering hints and clues to the answer, Jesus gave people a simple word of advice:   “Do not be terrified” (Luke 21:9).   It wasn’t just questions about the Second Coming that drew this response.   At the Last Supper, he told his disciples, “Do not let your hearts be troubled” (John 14:1).   And in the middle of his ministry, he told everyone, “Your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32).

In all situations, in the face of every worry, Jesus offers the same words:   “Don’t worry; my Father is with you.   I will never leave you or abandon you.”   Today, as the Church year draws to a close, Jesus tells us not to be scared.   You may see troubling things, you may hear frightening news, but don’t let it overwhelm you.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could enter into the new liturgical year holding fast to this simple phrase:   I will not be afraid?

Scripture promises that “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13).   Everyone who turns to him finds help in times of need.   We are loved by the Faithful One, who is both our Shepherd and our Guardian.   We are looked after by One who tells us, “I am your shield” (Genesis 15:1).   “Do not be afraid,” he tells us, “for I am with you and will help you.   I am your strength in every situation.   Declare, confidently and boldly, I will not be afraid!

Children trust that Dad and Mom have it covered, whatever “it” is.   So does Jesus. One day, the world is going to end.   When the time comes, he will make sure you will know all you need to know.   In the meantime, try not to worry.   Let the peace of Christ settle in your heart so that your peace can help the people around you.   Let your own peace tell them,   “Do not be terrified.”

Word Among Us

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