Do not be unbelieving, but believe. 

“God can’t steer a parked car.” You won’t find this proverb in the Bible, but it’s a good saying to consider on this feast day of St. Thomas the Apostle.

Even though Thomas had been walking with Jesus for some time and had witnessed him performing countless miracles, the trauma of Jesus’ passion and death was just too much to process. As a result, he remained “parked” in a state of unbelief when the other apostles told him, “We have seen the Lord” (John 20:25). And because unbelief inspires no one and goes nowhere, Thomas spent a whole week at odds with the others, trapped under a shroud of hopelessness.

But then came the next Sunday: Jesus appeared again, this time with Thomas present. Treating this doubting disciple with great mercy, he invited Thomas to touch and see for himself that he truly had risen from the dead. Jesus entered into Thomas’ gloom and issued one command that broke through all his inertia: “Believe!” (John 20:27). At that moment, a fresh new horizon opened up, and Thomas couldn’t help but exclaim in awe and recognition, “My Lord and my God!” (20:28).

That encounter with Jesus spurred Thomas to action. He went from being stationary to being a man in motion—so much so that he brought the gospel all the way to southern India, where he is still venerated today. Imagine that! From doubt and despair, Thomas traveled farther than any other apostle.

This Jesus whom Thomas met that day is the same Jesus who comes to you today. He comes to speak words of hope and encouragement. He comes to send you into the world ready to share his love and presence. He comes to urge you, “Believe!” So still your heart and listen for his voice. Trust that he has all the grace you need to shift out of “park”!

“Jesus, you are my Lord and my God! I trust you to direct my path.”

Ephesians 2:19-22
Psalm 117:1-2
John 20:24-29


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