Sts. John de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues and Companions (Memorial)

Do not worry. 

Fr. Walter Ciszek (1904–1984) was a young Jesuit priest who eagerly wanted to be a missionary to Russia. He had heard Jesus’ promise that the Spirit would give him the right words in times of persecution, but he also did everything he could to prepare himself. While in seminary, he got up at 4:30 a.m. to run five miles or swim in an icy lake. One Lent, he ate only bread and water!

After his ordination in 1937, he was sent to Poland, and from there he quietly entered the Soviet Union. Finally, this was his chance to show what he was made of!

That’s when his plans fell apart. In 1941, Fr. Ciszek was arrested by the Soviet secret police and subjected to relentless interrogation and torture. All his preparation no doubt sustained him for a time, but eventually, he came to the end of his strength. He confessed to crimes he had not committed just so the torture would stop. He had failed. But the humiliation surrounding his failure taught him a powerful lesson:

Things suddenly seemed so very simple. There was but a single vision, God, who was all in all. . . . God is in all things, sustains all things, directs all things. . . . I was freed thereby from anxiety and worry, from every tension, and could float serenely upon the tide of God’s sustaining providence in perfect peace of soul. (He Leadeth Me)

Even his failure was covered by God’s grace! Fr. Ciszek had finally accepted Jesus’ words: “Do not worry” (Luke 12:11). Freed from anxiety, he could accept whatever happened and try to live out his vocation in every way he could. He learned to trust that the Spirit would give him the words he needed (12:12). He knew that even if he should fail, the Spirit would still support him. He didn’t have to depend only on his preparations; he could always trust in the Spirit.

May we also learn the “perfect peace of soul” that Fr. Walter Ciszek knew!

“Holy Spirit, I trust you to take care of me in every situation.”

Ephesians 1:15-23
Psalm 8:2-7
Luke 12:8-12


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