Saint John XXIII, Pope (Optional Memorial)

Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste and house will fall against house. 

Jesus used simple logic when responding to the people in the crowd who wondered whether his authority to drive out demons came from “Beelzebul, the prince of demons” (Luke 11:15). He points out that no kingdom can last—not even Satan’s—when one faction is fighting with another (11:17)!

Ironically, though, Satan’s kingdom is not divided. Instead, he and his legion of demons are united for one purpose: dividing the rest of us! This is one of the prime tactics of the evil one, and unfortunately, it works all too well. All we have to do is look around and see the scattered debris of broken families, churches, communities, and even nations.

But we don’t have to sit back passively. Because Jesus lives in us, we share in his authority over the evil one. So one thing we can do wherever we see division is to pray. This kind of prayer doesn’t have to be dramatic or drawn out. We simply need to recognize that Satan and his demons are at work in a situation, and then pray in the name of Jesus to send them away.

Nor should we stop praying! As Jesus tells us, the demons are eager to return (Luke 11:26). But the name of Jesus is powerful—much more powerful than any demon is. As we persist in praying in Jesus’ name, we invite him to come and prevent the evil one from getting a foothold in a situation. We also ask him to protect us from the poison of Satan’s lies.

What are some of those lies? That the other person in a conflict is our enemy, not Satan himself. That we are completely in the right and the other side is completely in the wrong. That forgiveness, reconciliation, and unity are impossible goals that we shouldn’t even expect to happen.

Jesus told the crowd, “If it is by the finger of God that I drive out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you” (Luke 11:20). Jesus has already ushered in God’s kingdom, and you are a member of it. So don’t stand by idly and let Satan sow division. Be on the alert for his activity and his lies—and pray to combat them!

“Jesus, help me to be an agent for unity wherever I go.”

Galatians 3:7-14
Psalm 111:1-6
Luke 11:15-26


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