The Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major

Five loaves and two fish are all we have here.

Jesus had just learned that his cousin, John the Baptist, had been killed. So you can understand why he might want to withdraw “to a deserted place by himself” (Matthew 14:13). But when he arrived at his destination, exhausted and still grieving John’s death, he found that a crowd of people had followed him. And so, trusting in his Father’s grace, he got out of the boat and started ministering to them. In so doing, he showed everyone there that day what his Father’s mercy and love looks like.

As evening fell, Jesus invited his disciples to follow his lead and place their trust in his Father as well. Imagine their surprise when he told them to give that vast crowd some food (Matthew 14:16)! They had barely enough for themselves—just five loaves and two fish. In that moment, they did the only thing they could do: they offered to Jesus all that they had and trusted that God would provide the rest.

Being in this place of scarcity, where what they had wasn’t enough, gave the disciples an opportunity to rely on God, who is good and powerful and trustworthy. As they stared open-mouthed at the twelve baskets of leftovers, they were blessed by his overflowing love and generosity (Matthew 14:20).

Are you like Jesus in the boat, weary and hoping for rest? Are you like the disciples, feeling empty-handed in the face of some great need? You might look at a situation in your life and think, “This is all the energy I have; there’s nothing left.” Or “This is all the certainty I have; I don’t know what to do next.” But that’s a blessed place to be! Like the disciples, you can lay what you do have before your Father and trust him to provide whatever it is that you need.

Times like these are invitations to stay close to the Lord and grow in trust. They give you a chance to recognize that uncertainty or weariness are a call to give what you have to God. And as you exercise your trust in him, you can watch what your heavenly Father can do with what you’ve given him!

“Father, I love you. I offer you what I have and trust you to use it to accomplish your will.”

Jeremiah 28:1-17
Psalm 119:29, 43, 79-80, 95, 102
Matthew 14:13-21


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