Glorify the Lord with me, let us together extol his name. 

This feast of the two great apostles, Peter and Paul, provides a shining illustration of how people who are very different can, as today’s responsorial psalm describes, extol God’s name and give him glory together.

God used Peter and Paul’s complementary backgrounds and gifts and personalities to accomplish his plan. Paul was an educated scholar of the Law. Peter was a fisherman with little formal education. Paul chose to be single and recommended that state in life. Peter was married and was familiar with the demands of family life. Paul spent several years in prayer and study before embarking on his mission, while Peter tended to act impetuously.

God entrusted each of them with a unique mission—Peter primarily to the Jews, as well as serving as head of the Church, and Paul primarily to the Gentiles. Sometimes they didn’t see eye to eye. For example, although Peter had been the first to welcome the Gentiles into the Church, Paul had to correct him later for drawing back from them at a meal (Acts 10:30-48; Galatians 2:11-14).

Despite their differences and disagreements, surely these two saints and apostles had a profound respect for one another. Together, they accomplished far more than either could have achieved on his own.

This kind of collaboration has always been part of God’s plan for his Church. Just think about the different people who have served God’s people over the ages and the amazing things that God accomplished through their diverse personalities and gifts. Think of how each member of Christ’s body, working according to their abilities and talents, glorifies God. That includes both you and those with completely different backgrounds from yourself. Together, like Sts. Peter and Paul, we can glorify the Lord, both now and forever in heaven!

“Lord, may your people glorify you together!”

Acts 12:1-11
Psalm 34:2-9
2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18
Matthew 16:13-19


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