Our Lady of the Rosary (Memorial)

Go and do likewise.

Jews and Samaritans—the hatred between them stretched all the way back to the eighth century BC. When Assyria conquered the northern kingdom of Israel (also known as Samaria) in 721 BC, they deported many Jews and brought in people from other nations who intermarried with the Jews who remained. To the Jews in Jerusalem, these “Samaritans” were heretics and traitors.

So when Jesus told this scholar of the law the parable of the “good” Samaritan, of course the man was upset! The hero of the story, the one who showed compassion to the robbers’ victim, was a Samaritan. Not only that, but Jesus also told this scholar to “go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37)—to go and act like a Samaritan!

By telling his parable this way, Jesus was seeking to break through the ancient and deep-seated prejudice that this man had inherited. He wanted to help him expand his view of who his “neighbor” was. It wasn’t just the victim of the crime—the Jewish neighbor lying on the side of the road. It was also the Samaritan, who had cared for the wounded man. It was a member of a group he misunderstood, feared, and even hated.

This parable can speak to us in a similar way. Due to our upbringing and environment, we have all inherited prejudices against one group or another. Moreover, our own hurts or misunderstanding can lead us to reject or look down on a person or group that is different from us. But Jesus wants us to see even these people as our neighbors.

As you reflect on this parable, ask the Lord whom you might see as the “Samaritans” in your life. Perhaps it’s someone in your neighborhood whom everyone shuns. Perhaps it’s someone at your office or school whose views or lifestyle you disagree with. It might even be someone in your own family who has earned the reputation of being the black sheep. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how he sees them: they are created in God’s image, just like you. They are affected by sin, just like you. And they need God’s mercy, just like you. Be open to the voice of the Spirit as he teaches you how to “go and do likewise” by being a neighbor to them.

“Lord, help me to see and love your image in everyone.”

Galatians 1:6-12
Psalm 111:1-2, 7-10
Luke 10:25-37


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