22nd Week in Ordinary Time

God caused the growth. 

By “human standards,” the believers in Corinth weren’t especially “wise” or “noble” or “powerful” (1 Corinthians 1:26). But despite their lower standing, they had become “enriched in every way, with all discourse and all knowledge” (1:5). St. Paul went so far as to say they were “not lacking in any spiritual gift”—even though they weren’t always very wise in how they were exercising those gifts (1:7, emphasis added).

Clearly, not all was well. It seems that the Corinthians had lost sight of one vital truth: “God caused the growth” that they were experiencing (1 Corinthians 3:6). Sure, Paul had “planted” the seed of faith in them, and Apollos had “watered” that seed (3:6). Sure, they themselves were diligent in their faith. But neither Paul nor Apollos—or any of them—could take full credit. Any growth in the Spirit they were experiencing came about because they had cooperated with the Lord, not because any one person had made it happen.

This same truth applies to you. You might be a lifelong, committed believer or someone who is just getting to know the Lord—or anywhere in between. But wherever you are, God’s role is the same: he is meeting you where you are and causing you to grow in faith. It’s his living, creative, powerful presence within you that brings about the growth you experience, both in your relationship with him and in your ability to serve him.

Acknowledging God as the source of your growth takes a good deal of pressure off yourself! Instead of relying solely on your own efforts, you can trust that God will do more than you could ever accomplish on your own. All he asks is that you put forth your best effort to stay close to him and to do his will; he will do the rest.

So if you ever feel that you are struggling to follow Jesus, take heart! Christ is in you, and he can do so much more than you could ever ask for or imagine!

“Jesus, help me to trust that you will never stop deepening my faith as I keep turning to you.”

1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Psalm 33:12-15, 20-21
Luke 4:38-44


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