Grief has filled your hearts.
Jesus had just told the disciples many distressing things, not only about his betrayal and execution, but also about the world’s hatred of him and of them. It was a lot of misery to absorb, and Jesus knew that their hearts were focused on all the troubling news he had given them.
Like the disciples, we also wrestle with fear and worries. Some are the anxieties of everyday life, and some come from those big life-altering challenges that push us to the limit. And it is precisely because of our call to serve the Lord, even in the midst of these troubles, that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit. Isn’t it comforting to know that Jesus doesn’t minimize our difficulties? Isn’t it inspiring to hear that he has sent us the Spirit to help keep grief from completely overwhelming our hearts? That’s exactly what the Spirit has come to do: to give us a heavenly perspective so that we can still perceive how God is working in the people around us who are suffering and in the difficult situations we ourselves face.
“I have told you all these things,” Jesus tells us, “but don’t focus only on them. Ask my Spirit to help you focus on what I am doing as well.” When you are in the middle of a crisis, try to open yourself to a bigger picture than the immediate problem right in front of you. It may seem hard, but take a moment or two to look for signs of the Spirit. Is he inviting you to trust him more deeply in this challenge? Is he asking you to surrender a situation or a loved one into his hands? Or maybe he wants you to take another courageous step forward in faith.
Whatever your challenge, get in the habit of asking, “What are you doing, Lord? How can I unite myself to your work—in my child who has abandoned the faith, in my parent’s battle with Alzheimer’s disease, in my spouse’s stress and overwork?” Then pause for a few breaths and try to be open to his guidance and direction. Even if you don’t get an answer, take comfort in knowing that you have done your best and that the Spirit is still with you to help you as you move forward.
“Holy Spirit, help me to find you in the situations I will face today.”
Acts 16:22-34
Psalm 138:1-3, 7-8
John 16:5-11
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