He gave great assistance to those who had come to believe.

Many houseplants can live for a long time with just an occasional watering. But if you were to add a little fertilizer and water more regularly, you might be amazed at how quickly a plant perks up. It becomes lusher, its leaves are glossier, and flowers start to bud. Not only does it look better, but it brightens up the whole room as well!

Our life in the Spirit can be like such a plant. It’s good to maintain our normal routine of prayer and the Mass, but sometimes we can benefit from giving ourselves an extra boost. Maybe we pick up a spiritual book or go on a retreat or pilgrimage. Or maybe we join a parish Bible study or start listening to a Catholic podcast that can take our faith to a new level. Like that houseplant, we perk up when we take in a little extra spiritual nourishment. And at the same time, our growth in Christ’s love helps us “brighten up” the lives of the people around us.

We see this happen in today’s first reading. First, Paul travels throughout Galatia “bringing strength to all the disciples” along the way (Acts 18:23). Then, we meet Apollos, a believer with great zeal but little understanding of the gospel. Priscilla and Aquila spend time “fertilizing” his faith, and as a result, he becomes an even more powerful witness to Christ. So much so that when they send him out to preach, he is able to give “great assistance to those who had come to believe” (18:27).

Today, thank God for the ways that your faith already builds up the people around you. But also consider if he is inviting you to spend a little extra time with him so that you can become an even more effective witness to his love. You don’t have to memorize the entire Bible, and you don’t need a theologian’s training. You just need to take one small step. He does the rest.

“Here I am, Lord; I’m ready to learn. How can I become a better witness to your love?”

Acts 18:23-28
Psalm 47:2-3, 8-10
John 16:23-28


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