He himself also went up, not openly but as it were in secret. 

The feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem was the place to be. Not only was it the most joyful event of the Jewish year, but all adult males were required to attend. It would seem like a “no-brainer” that Jesus would come. But as his family left for the feast, he chose to delay his departure. He knew that the religious leaders in Jerusalem were seeking to kill him. He also knew that his hour—the time that his Father had set for him to offer his life—had not yet come. So by arriving secretly after the festivities were underway, he minimized his risk of arrest and still fulfilled his obligation.

This episode shows how Jesus was always trying to stay in step with his Father’s will. As he told people numerous times, he was careful to do “only what he sees his father doing” (John 5:19; see also 12:49; 17:4). And he told us to be just as careful in following him.

This call to obedience can be very challenging! But the secret is to start simply. Recall that Jesus has nothing but love for you, so you can always trust him. You don’t have to be afraid that he will steer you wrong. It’s not always easy to obey him, and not everyone will understand the choices you make to follow him, but obedience has its own rewards. And for those situations when you are struggling to understand what he is asking of you, you can take comfort in knowing that the Lord is merciful. He won’t punish you for trying, even if you get it wrong! He knows that sometimes all you can do is choose what you think is the best path.

Jesus never veered outside of his Father’s plan or took matters into his own hands, and he asks us to be just as committed to him. Just as Jesus could trust his Father with his very life, we can entrust ourselves to him. Even when we can’t see our way forward, even when the road is difficult, he will help us find our way. All he asks is that we try to remain open and follow him wherever he leads us.

“Jesus, help me to be steadfast in following you and your will for my life!”

Wisdom 2:1, 12-22
Psalm 34:17-21, 23
John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30


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