He kept calling out all the more.

It was not unusual for Bartimaeus to sit begging at the roadside. But today was different. He heard a large crowd. What was going on? The healer Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. It was his big chance! So Bartimaeus held nothing back. He shouted out so that he could be heard above the noise of the crowd. With each call, he became louder: Jesus, Son of David . . .

“Son of David” was no ordinary title. It pointed to the Messiah, a descendant of David who would come to establish an eternal kingdom (2 Samuel 7:12-13). Bartimaeus had likely heard of Jesus’ miracles and his teachings. But when he used this name for Jesus, he was professing that Jesus was more than a gifted rabbi or a prophet. He was the fulfillment of God’s promises. When Bartimaeus cried out, it was a cry of faith in Jesus, anointed by God, the one who could heal and restore him: Jesus, Son of David . . .

We too can call out to Jesus as Bartimaeus did. In fact, take a few moments right now to imagine that Jesus is passing by. Remember, as Bartimaeus did, the healings you have heard about and the prayers he has already answered. Remember the way Jesus preached and taught. But then go further. Acknowledge that he is the Messiah, the one who has come to save and heal you. He is the fulfillment of all God’s promises: Jesus, Son of David . . .

When you pray today, stand in wonder at who Jesus is. As you cry out to him, let the truths about his power and goodness sink into your heart. Let them give you confidence as you bring your needs to him. He is the one who has forgiven you and made you a child of God. He hears your cries and is filled with compassion for you. Don’t give up. Jesus in his kindness is surely ready to stop and call you to his side. Jesus, Son of David . . .

“Have mercy on me, Lord! I believe that you are Son of David and Son of God.”

Sirach 42:15-25
Psalm 33:2-9
Mark 10:46-52


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