Saints Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs (Optional Memorial)

He kept trying to see him.

Speculation was high, and rumors were flying. Who was this Jesus of Nazareth? Where did he come from, and what did he really want? Was he John the Baptist, back from the dead? A new incarnation of the prophet Elijah? Or just some zealous rabbi from Galilee?

For Herod, this was an especially perplexing predicament. He had already taken care of John the Baptist. But it seemed that Jesus’ preaching had pricked his conscience on the matter. Maybe God really had been trying to speak to him through John—and now through Jesus. It was possible, but he wasn’t sure. His vision of the whole situation was too cloudy. Aware that he was in a sinful relationship with his wife but unwilling to make any change, he couldn’t break through the fog to come to faith.

Of course, none of us are the same as Herod. But like him, we may want to see the Lord yet are hampered by blurred vision. Unforgiveness, bitterness, fear, and anxiety—all of these and more can keep us in a fog of our own. Nothing is more capable of holding us back than unrepented sin. Herod could have repented for having married Herodias, his brother’s wife. Yes, it would have been hard, but he could have found a way out of his immoral union. Instead, he chose to silence John’s voice and persist in his sin.

Do you tend to find your vision of Jesus obscured by sin? The Holy Spirit can clear away the clouds. Through the gift of repentance, you can cooperate with him in this work. In fact, getting into the habit of repenting at the end of every day is probably one of the best ways to sharpen your vision.

Every evening, look over your day, and ask the Spirit to help you identify anything that you may have thought or said or done that was displeasing to the Lord. Then simply ask for forgiveness and for the Spirit’s help to do better tomorrow. If the sin is serious, resolve to bring it to Confession as soon as you can. Then end by thanking God for his mercy. Over time, your vision will become clearer simply because you are giving the Holy Spirit room to work in your heart.

“Come, Holy Spirit, and remove the clouds that keep me from seeing Jesus clearly.”

Ecclesiastes 1:2-11
Psalm 90:3-6, 12-14, 17
Luke 9:7-9


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