He was also “king of Salem,” that is, king of peace.

Who was Melchizedek? A “priest of God Most High,” he greeted Abraham with bread and wine after Abraham’s victory in battle (Genesis 14:18, 20). According to today’s first reading, Melchizedek was “without father, mother, or ancestry” (Hebrews 7:3). Because his ancestry is never identified in Scripture, some Jews believed that Melchizedek was eternal.

Which brings us to Jesus. Hebrews tells us that he is the great and eternal high priest, “a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek” (7:17).

Scripture also tells us that Melchizedek was the “king of Salem,” which translates as “king of peace,” (Genesis 14:18; Hebrews 7:2). Jesus is the King of peace. He himself is our way to peace. Through his cross and resurrection, he has healed the rift between God and humanity. And by uniting us into one body, he has opened the door for us to experience healing in every relationship wounded by division.

Today begins the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. When we look at all the division in the world today, perhaps we don’t necessarily think of the denominational divisions that exist among Christians. But God desires to heal the broken body of Christ. Why? Because it is through his united Church that he can bring peace and healing to the world.

So how can we cooperate with the God of peace in the great work of Christian unity? We can begin by taking on God’s heart and praying for unity among believers, especially during this week. These prayers can transform our own hearts as we come to see just how much we hold in common with our separated brothers and sisters. And even if we never live to see all Christians visibly united in one Church, we can still be united with each other in our love for Christ. That spirit of unity can even carry over to help us bring peace wherever we encounter division.

Jesus wants us to work with him in bringing together his beloved people. May our prayers and actions give witness to the love God has for all those who believe in him.

“Father, help me to be a part of the work for peace among my brothers and sisters in Christ.”

Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17
Psalm 110:1-4
Mark 3:1-6


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