He who sows good seed is the Son of Man. 

Have you ever known someone who really loves gardening? They plant seeds in pots well before the frost thaws and tend them carefully. They nourish them with light and just enough water. When the seedlings are strong enough, they move the plants outside, but even then, they watch over and nurture them.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus is explaining the parable of the weeds and the wheat, in which a man sows good seed in his field but weeds also spring up. He decides to wait until harvest to deal with the weeds. At first blush, the farmer seems distant and uninvolved; he doesn’t do anything until the harvest at the end of time. But even though he allows the weeds to grow, he is not doing nothing!

Like a good gardener, Jesus looks after his plants closely. He follows their progress, fertilizes, protects, and checks on them every day. When pests invade or weeds grow up, he tends his garden to keep his plants strong enough to withstand even the weeds growing beside them.

Our lives in Christ are like that. Even when difficulties surround you, Jesus is not removed from your life. He became man and endured death to free you from the power of evil. He watches over you every day. Sometimes, he encourages and guides you through his Holy Spirit. Other times, he gently gets you back on track if you have taken a wrong turn. And still other times, he simply accompanies and supports you on your journey. No matter where you are today, you can be assured that the sower of the good seed will finish what he has started in you (Philippians 1:6).

So take some time to think about the ways that Jesus has been actively cultivating his life in you. Remember the times that his presence was close, or you were provided for in an unforeseen way. Think about the blessings he has given you—even the blessing of endurance to face challenges. Sometimes it can be hard to recognize what he is doing until after the fact, but you can trust that he is always there. Like a good gardener, he watches over you.

“Lord, help me to see the ways you protect and cultivate your life in me.”

Jeremiah 14:17-22
Psalm 79:8-9, 11, 13
Matthew 13:36-43


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