He will gird himself, have them recline at table, and proceed to wait on them. 

Preparing for an important guest takes a lot of work, and not knowing when they will arrive only adds an extra layer of stress. It means making sure that the food stays warm without drying out. It means having your coat and shoes ready so that you can run out and help them with their luggage. And it means that when they arrive, you’ll have to spring into action and be ready to take care of whatever they may need.

But when it comes to waiting for Jesus, today’s Gospel reading gives us a surprising and different set of expectations. It tells us that when Jesus arrives at the end of time, he will refuse to let us wait on him. Instead, he will put on an apron and start to serve us—his servants! It’s hard to imagine what kind of master would come home and start waiting on his servants, but this is the kind of love Jesus has for us. It’s a love that prefers to serve rather than to be served. It’s a love that rewards all our work getting ready for him. It’s a love that heals our wounds and wipes away our tears. Our work is completed, and Jesus will take care of us from that point on.

At the same time, Jesus doesn’t want us to be passive while we wait for his return. He tells us to be always eager to serve him and his people in whatever way he calls us. Of course, this means preparing our hearts and our homes to welcome him. But it also means actively working to make the world outside of our homes ready to accept him. It means being open to the Spirit’s promptings as he gives us opportunities to share our faith. And it means always being ready to reach out to those who are hurting.

Yes, there are times when getting ready for Jesus is hard work. But when he comes back, he will heal our wounds, dry our tears, and spread a heavenly feast for us. Just knowing that makes all the hard work worthwhile!

“Jesus, I am in awe that you love me so much! Help me to be ready to welcome you when you return!”

Romans 5:12, 15, 17-21
Psalm 40:7-10, 17
Luke 12:35-38


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