The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Memorial)

How is it that you came in here without a wedding garment?

Imagine parents busily planning a special dinner for important houseguests. They set their son’s best clothes on his bed so that he can be properly dressed. But he shows up at the dinner table wearing ripped jeans and a wrinkled tee shirt.

That’s like what Jesus describes in today’s parable about the kingdom of heaven. A king gives a lavish wedding banquet for his son, but one of the guests shows up improperly dressed. As a result, he is thrown out of the feast.

We might be puzzled. What exactly is the “wedding garment” he was expected to wear, and how can we make sure we’re wearing it (Matthew 22:11)? Biblical scholars and many Church Fathers tell us that this garment represents the gift that God gave us at our Baptism—the grace, purity, and dignity of our new life in Christ. As the baptismal rite tells us, we are called to “bring that dignity unstained into the everlasting life of heaven.”

But how do we live every day in this grace and dignity? You do it every time you extend mercy to someone who has offended you or wronged you. You do it when you’re inspired to show compassion to someone in need—and you actually reach out. You do it with each decision you make to hold your tongue when you’re tempted to gossip or insult someone. Essentially, you’re living the dignity of your new life in Christ every time you show his love to the people around you.

To be properly dressed in God’s eyes is to be clothed in love. So each morning as you are getting dressed, ask yourself how you can reflect God’s love in the day ahead. Who will you see today, and what might they need from you? As you put on your shoes, consider where your feet will take you and what opportunities might arise to show mercy or compassion or kindness. If you’re expecting a “stormy” day, be sure to bring the “umbrella” of patience and understanding. Don’t go out unprepared!

“Lord, help me to be properly dressed today!”

Ezekiel 36:23-28
Psalm 51:12-15, 18-19
Matthew 22:1-14


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