I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof. . . ; but say the word and let my servant be healed. 

This verse is probably very familiar to you. That’s because the words are almost identical to the prayer we pray at every Mass before receiving Holy Communion. But as you read these words today, don’t let them slip by unnoticed. Think of the great trust shown by the Roman centurion who first spoke them. As a Gentile, someone outside the Mosaic covenant, he didn’t consider himself worthy to approach Jesus. And yet he still believed Jesus could heal his servant. So let’s try to make the centurion’s words our own:

“Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof. Lord, I come to you just as I am—weak, wounded, and sinful. I don’t deserve your mercy. You are so perfect, so holy, and your love is beyond comprehension. I believe that your love is greater than my sins, and that gives me hope that I can come to you despite my unworthiness.

But only say the word. Lord, you created the heavens and the earth with just a word. You knit me together in my mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13). Your word can accomplish anything. And as the divine Word, Jesus, you are present on the altar before me at Mass or Adoration. Like the centurion, I recognize and acknowledge your presence and power.

And my soul shall be healed. Jesus, your Body and Blood are medicine for my soul. Through them, you cleanse me and heal me. When you heal the wounds of my soul, my mind and body are also brought to life. I trust you, Jesus, to bring me the healing that I need today.

“Lord, the centurion’s faith not only pleased you, but it also impressed you. I want to imitate his humility and confidence. So whenever I come to you, whether to receive you in the Eucharist, to pray in your presence before the tabernacle, or to turn my heart to you in my daily circumstances, help me have that same disposition.”

“Lord, give me the faith of the centurion, who believed in you though he couldn’t see you. Jesus, I trust in you.”

1 Corinthians 11:17-26, 33
Psalm 40:7-10, 17
Luke 7:1-10


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