I have reason to boast in what pertains to God. 

How do you react when someone gives you a sincere compliment? It’s tempting to deflect the praise by saying, “It was nothing” or “So many others played more important roles” or even “If you only knew how badly I messed up.” We may even assume that humility demands this kind of self-effacement.

But that’s not what we learn from St. Paul in today’s reading from his Letter to the Romans. He didn’t minimize what he had accomplished. He declared that he was the first one to preach the good news from Jerusalem all the way to Illyricum, a Roman province northwest of Greece. And he wasn’t shy about the “signs and wonders” that God had worked through him as he “finished preaching the Gospel of Christ” (Romans 15:19).

Paul wasn’t being arrogant, however. He was boasting “in what pertains to God” and not to himself (Romans 15:17). He recognized the gifts that God had given him to be a minister of Christ to the Gentiles (15:15-16). He had worked hard to use those gifts to the best of his ability. And he recognized that everything he had accomplished, in one way or another, was accomplished by the grace of Christ.

When Paul, or any one of us, uses our gifts and achieves something praiseworthy, God is glorified. As St. Ireneaus said, “The glory of God is man fully alive.” So when you do what you were made for, you give glory to God. And when you receive recognition for it, you can give glory to God as well. God made you to shine like a light in the darkness so that people would see your good works and rejoice in the One who is at work in you (Matthew 5:16). So when people notice, that’s your chance to boast in what pertains to God.

Paul had unique gifts that enabled him to live out his mission. He offered all he was to the Lord, and God used him to do great things. God has given you gifts, too! He wants you to help build his kingdom. So when someone recognizes your gifts or your contributions, no matter how small or large, accept it and give glory to God!

“Lord, I will boast in you. Thank you for all that you have done in and through me!”

Romans 15:14-21
Psalm 98:1-4
Luke 16:1-8


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