I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send?”


Let’s try to put ourselves in Isaiah’s shoes.   It seems that he was praying in the Temple when he received this amazing vision.   So he was already a worshipper of the Lord.   But on this particular day, he saw the majesty of God in a new way and was overcome.   He recognized his sinfulness as compared to the infinite holiness of the Lord.   But he also experienced God’s mercy and was transformed by it.   Now he was ready to serve God with his whole heart.

Isaiah’s vision can help us understand the power of prayer to change us.   Like Isaiah, we too can experience a transforming encounter with the Lord in prayer—perhaps without the smoke, seraphim, and burning ember.   How?

First, you need to detach yourself from your everyday environment.   Whether it’s in church or at home, try to find a place and time free from distractions.

Then, place yourself in God’s presence, whether you feel him or not.   Of course, God is always present to you, but this is a time for you to focus exclusively on him.   It may help to meditate on a psalm, gaze at a crucifix or an icon, or even imagine Jesus standing before you.   Whatever you do, it should help you realize how awesome God is.   You may remember, as Isaiah did, that God is “Holy, holy, holy” (Isaiah 6:3).   Your very breath—and every moment you’re alive—is a gift from him.   This should lead you to give him thanks and praise.

As you worship, you may start to see yourself in his light.   Like Isaiah, you might see aspects of your character that need to change.   You may be led to say, “I’m sorry, Lord!”   But if you’re seeing yourself through his eyes, you will also realize how merciful he is.   No matter what you’ve done—or haven’t done—you can seek forgiveness and be cleansed.

Not every prayer time will include visions and voices.   But every day, you can know God’s love and experience his presence more fully.   And it’s not a “one-off” either.   The more you pray, the more you will know his love.   And that will move you to serve him—to say, with Isaiah,

“Here I am, Lord.   Send me!”

Psalm 93:1-2, 5
Matthew 10:24-33


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