Jesus came to Jericho and intended to pass through the town. 

Are you a planner? Do you have a schedule or routine that you like to keep? If so, today’s Gospel reading is especially for you. It opens with Luke telling us that Jesus had planned to head right through Jericho (19:1). But we know that isn’t what happened. Jesus saw Zacchaeus in the sycamore tree, and moved by this man’s humility, he changed his itinerary so that he could spend time with him and his friends. And it changed Zacchaeus’ life forever.

This story tells us that sometimes, like Jesus, we need to hold loosely to our schedule and plans. We need to be ready to put them aside for a moment in order to care for the person in front of us.

In theory, this sounds great—of course we want to care for people! But in reality, it’s not always so straightforward. Most of us probably don’t like unexpected interruptions in our day or last-minute demands placed on our schedules. When such interruptions do happen, we might get annoyed or grumble to ourselves. But when we see how Jesus responded to Zacchaeus, our perspective can change. Maybe these interruptions and inconveniences are really invitations to join him in ministering to someone who needs help, comfort, or attention.

Such invitations might come in the voice of a friend whose car has broken down and is asking you for a ride to work. Or you might feel the Lord nudging you to stop and talk to a lonely neighbor even though you’d rather get on with your walk and burn some more calories. Or the Lord might be speaking to you through the voice of your child, who is asking you to play a game with her even though you have so much work to do.

The next time you are asked to change your plans, try to see it as Jesus’ loving invitation rather than as an annoying interruption. We aren’t always able to be flexible with our schedules, but when we are, who knows what might happen? We may just have more of an effect on people’s hearts than we think. Just look at what happened to Zacchaeus!

“Lord, help me to hear your invitation to love the people around me.”

Revelation 3:1-6, 14-22
Psalm 15:2-5
Luke 19:1-10


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