Jesus revealed himself again.

Have you ever noticed that Jesus likes to use mealtimes to reveal himself? In his very first miracle in John’s Gospel, he provides wine for a wedding reception (John 2:1-11). He feeds thousands of people with a few loaves and fish (6:1-15). Before his passion and death, he shares the Passover supper with his disciples (13–17). And in today’s Gospel, he reveals himself through a miraculous catch of fish and then proceeds to serve breakfast to his disciples.

Today, at every Eucharistic feast celebrated throughout the world, Jesus comes to us really and truly, in the form of bread and wine. He comes to us, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, to transform us and fill us with his grace. But Jesus can also use ordinary gatherings to reveal himself and make his presence known.

Sometimes it’s hard to recognize Jesus, but it’s not impossible. For instance, he is there when a young woman gathers at a restaurant with friends to share about her new job. He is there when we pause to give thanks for the food or drink that he has provided. He reveals his love when we take the time to sit down for coffee with a friend. He can even use a weeknight dinner to draw a family closer together. When we are encouraged and refreshed, when we demonstrate his love in our conversations, when we deepen our connection with one another, Jesus is most definitely there, knitting us together.

Jesus wants to be present with you at your mealtimes. Try to share a meal with someone this week. If you live alone, you might invite a friend to join you, even if it’s just for coffee or dessert. If you have a family, eating together may already be part of your routine, but maybe it’s not. Put away your phones, turn off the TV, and sit down together. As you gather, invite the Lord to be with you and to reveal himself. Share some food; talk about your day. And keep an eye out for how Jesus might be working among you.

“Lord, as you did with the disciples, reveal yourself to me again.”

Acts 4:1-12
Psalm 118:1-2, 4, 22-27
John 21:1-14


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