Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man, . . . decided to divorce her quietly.
As we ponder today’s Gospel passage (Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24), let’s think about what Joseph could have done after he discovered that Mary was pregnant. He could have told everyone in Bethlehem about it. He could have gotten very angry and embarrassed her publicly. Why didn’t he?
Let’s focus on the word “quietly.” We can surmise that being quiet was a characteristic of Joseph—after all, he is never quoted in the Gospels! He probably spent hours alone at his carpenter’s bench, silent and intent on his work. Scripture also tells us that he was a righteous man, someone who listened to God and humbly followed him. So even though he didn’t understand what was happening with Mary, he stayed quiet and didn’t lose his cool. He could have focused on himself as the injured party and tried to draw sympathy from his neighbors. Instead, he sought to act in a way that was not only charitable but also upheld the dignity of Mary.
Today we have many opportunities to gripe about various injustices or troubling situations. Social media even provides us with a megaphone of sorts to make our voices heard. It’s very easy to lash out without thinking, but Joseph shows us that we don’t have to succumb to such temptations. We can take the time to reflect on the situation and then act with discretion and tact.
Maybe you’re not a naturally quiet person. But it doesn’t matter how talkative you are. What matters is that you seek to resolve troubling, difficult, or unexpected situations quietly and unobtrusively, as Joseph sought to do. When you act out of a rush of emotion instead of discretely, you risk making a mess of a situation that could have been settled much more lovingly and peacefully.
So before you react to a difficult situation, take a breath and come before the Lord. Quietly reflect on what has happened and ask God to give you the silent strength of Joseph. Then trust that God will show you how to act in a way that brings his love and peace to the people around you.
“St. Joseph, thank you for your example of quiet strength. Help me to be like you.”
2 Samuel 7:4-5, 12-14, 16
Psalm 89:2-5, 27, 29
Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22
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