Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand. 

God often gave Jeremiah vivid images to illustrate the messages he wanted his prophet to proclaim: almond trees and boiling kettles and wine flasks, for example (1:11-14; 13:12-14). Today we hear how God used the image of a potter’s wheel. Just as a potter can shape and reshape a lump of clay, God said, so could he shape and reshape the people of Jerusalem as he saw fit.

This message came at a crucial time for Jerusalem. God knew the once-great City of David was facing destruction at the hands of the Babylonians. So he gave Jeremiah the image of the potter to help Jerusalem’s king and priests understand that it was their faithlessness that had brought about the city’s fate. But just as the potter kept working with his clay, so God would not give up on Jerusalem. Even after all their sin, he would continue molding them. He would keep loving them, consoling them, teaching them, and even rebuking them when they needed it.

This is the same way God loves you. As St. Paul once said, nothing can separate you from his love (Romans 8:38-39). Like Jeremiah’s potter, he will continue to form you. Even if you fall into sin, he will still pick you up and keep working with you, offering his forgiveness and healing, his grace and power.

What an encouraging vision! What extraordinarily good news! God loves you too much to give up on you. He loves you so much that he didn’t even spare his only Son to save you. All he asks is that you become like clay in his hands: softhearted, willing to be molded, submitting to him as much as you can. So accept him as the potter and give him permission to shape your life as he sees fit. Try your best to obey him so that you can become a beautiful vessel in his hands.

“Here I am, Lord! Mold me and shape me according to your perfect will!”

Jeremiah 18:1-6
Psalm 146:1-6
Matthew 13:47-53


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