My heart is overwhelmed, my pity is stirred.

Heart emojis—they’re everywhere. We use them to indicate that we “love” a post on social media. We use them in messaging apps to show affection or support for someone we care about. They even show up in parish bulletins!

But the Sacred Heart of Jesus is more than a symbol of affection or support. It’s a revelation! It shows us the fundamental attitude of love that God has for us, his children. As we take time to consider the heart of Jesus, we can learn more deeply what God’s love is like.

It’s a love that initiates. In today’s first reading, God doesn’t wait for his people to come to him. He says, “I took them in my arms; I drew them.” He was, to them, “like one who raises an infant to his cheeks” (Hosea 1:3, 4). Even though we were as helpless as an infant, our God bent down to raise us up and shower his tenderness upon us!

It’s a love that doesn’t demand to be acknowledged. It pours itself out regardless of our awareness. “Though I stooped to feed my child, they did not know that I was their healer” (Hosea 11:4). Even when we are unaware of the One helping us, he still reaches out to heal and sustain us!

It’s a love that overflows with mercy. When God’s people broke his covenant and relied on alliances with foreign powers, the Lord proclaimed, “My heart is overwhelmed, my pity is stirred. I will not give vent to my blazing anger” (Hosea 11:8-9). Even when we turn aside from him, Jesus offers us his mercy and calls us back.

It’s a love that never stops giving. In today’s Gospel, we see the heart of Jesus being pierced after he had died. We see how “blood and water flowed out” from that heart (John 19:34). His blood has cleansed us from all our sins, and his water has given us birth into new life. Even in his last act before burial, Jesus kept giving of himself in order to bring us life!

This is what Jesus’ love is like. So gaze at his Sacred Heart today and let him show you his tenderness and generous mercy.

“Jesus, I am amazed by all the love in your heart!”

Hosea 11:1, 3-4, 8-9
(Psalm) Isaiah 12:2-6
Ephesians 3:8-12, 14-19
John 19:31-37


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