My sheep hear my voice. 

Do you know which Jewish holiday corresponds with the feast Jesus attends in today’s Gospel? It’s Hanukkah. Known as the Feast of Dedication, it celebrates the rededication of the Temple at Jerusalem by Judas Maccabaeus in 165 BC. Hanukkah is also known as the Festival of Lights because a small amount of oil miraculously kept the Temple lamp burning for eight days. Hanukkah begins on the first night with one candle shining in the darkness of winter. Then for the next seven nights, one by one, another candle is lit, allowing even more light to break through.

John’s mention of Hanukkah could refer to a major theme in his Gospel: darkness and light. Jesus, the light of the world, stands in the Temple during the festival and states that he is the Messiah (John 10:24-25). But despite Jesus’ mighty deeds, some can’t see them for what they are: signs pointing to who he is. These people are still in darkness.

What can break through the darkness? Jesus’ voice. “My sheep hear my voice,” Jesus proclaims, “and they follow me” (John 10:27). Somehow, Jesus’ voice can open a person’s eyes to see the works that reveal who Jesus is. Then everything begins to change.

This was true for the disciples as they heard his call and left everything to follow him. It was true of the first Christians as they listened to the Spirit and brought the light of Christ to distant nations. And it’s true for us today as we learn to hear and respond to Jesus’ still, small voice.

Everyone can hear the voice of the Lord, but it takes practice to learn to recognize it. It helps to quiet your mind and ask Jesus to speak during prayer. He might speak through today’s Scriptures. Try reading them slowly; see if anything stands out. He may speak through a trusted friend or a spiritual song. How can you know if it’s his voice? His words always bring light. They help you to see him more clearly, to be more aware of his love, and to be more loving toward the people around you. They often bring a sense of peace. Let’s listen for the Lord’s voice so that we can follow him from darkness to light.

“Lord, help me to hear your voice today.”

Acts 11:19-26
Psalm 87:1-7
John 10:22-30


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