No. He will be called John. 

We might be so used to the story of how John the Baptist was named that we forget the boldness in Elizabeth’s response to her family: No. Everyone expected that she would follow tradition and name him after his father, Zechariah. But with that one word, no, she obeyed the angel’s command and gave her child the name John.

Why did Elizabeth speak with such confidence? Look what had happened. An angel had visited her husband to announce the birth of this special child. She had become pregnant after years of struggling with infertility. As she held her child in her arms, she knew that God was unfolding his special plan for her life, as well as for her son’s. She was determined to obey God, even if that meant disregarding tradition and displeasing the relatives.

What can we learn from Elizabeth’s example? That when God makes clear the path he wants us to take, we should take it—even if it makes the people around us uncomfortable or we face pressure to go along with their expectations.

For example, maybe we turn down a lucrative job offer because we are concerned about the company’s ethics. Or we insist that our kids go to Sunday Mass, even if it interferes with their sports schedules. Whatever others think of our choices and decisions, however, God’s desires for us should be our top priority. Perhaps in time those who had a hard time accepting our decisions will see ways that our obedience bore fruit, whether in our lives or even in their own.

God has a good and unique plan for each one of us. Even when his plan unfolds in unexpected ways, as it did for Elizabeth, we can trust that it is always a good one (Jeremiah 29:11). Elizabeth never could have predicted the adventure her life would turn out to be. She probably didn’t even live to see all the fruits of her obedience. But she rejoiced in God’s goodness to her, and she remained faithful to his commands. That’s all that mattered to her.

God is writing a story for your life too, and every bold response you offer him allows him to work it out more fully.

“Jesus, help me to follow you even when others don’t understand.”

Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24
Psalm 25:4-5, 8-10, 14
Luke 1:57-66


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