22nd Week in Ordinary Time

No prophet is accepted in his own native place.

Just think: Jesus probably grew up in the very synagogue in Nazareth where today’s Gospel story takes place. As he looked out at those gathered there, he must have known everyone by name. Yet these friends and neighbors quickly turned on him. He was only Joseph’s son, so how could he also be the Messiah?

We might wonder how the townspeople could have ignored the many signs and wonders that Jesus had been performing in Capernaum and the other nearby towns and villages. Didn’t they also recognize the remarkable way in which he taught and preached? Yet sometimes we can have the same type of blinders on when it comes to our own “native place” (Luke 4:23). Maybe we read a story online about a person who was healed of a terminal disease or a hardened atheist giving their life to the Lord. We might very well be amazed, but do we expect to see signs of God’s work among us in our own homes, parishes, and neighborhoods?

While miracles and other signs of God’s presence and action can happen anytime and anywhere, they are more likely to occur in an atmosphere of expectant faith. Clearly, the people in Nazareth lacked faith in Jesus. He sensed this, which is why he told them, “No prophet is accepted in his own native place” (Luke 4:24). How sad that the very people who knew Jesus the best were not able to see his power and glory for themselves!

Why is it so important to be expectant? Because when we think that God won’t do anything out of the ordinary in our humble parish or family, we tend not to make the effort to pray for it. Or even if we do pray, we might at the same time resign ourselves to the status quo. Then, like the people of Nazareth, we risk missing what Jesus is doing right in our midst.

True faith is always expectant because God is always working, whether in subtle or spectacular ways. So let’s start each day expecting to see how God is moving, acting, and changing hearts. Let’s also expect that he will help our faith to grow so that we can witness to his power and glory right where we are.

“Jesus, increase my faith!”

2 Corinthians 2:1-5
Psalm 119:97-102
Luke 4:16-30


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