Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr (Optional Memorial)

No sign will be given. 

That sounds kind of harsh. Why would Jesus refuse to give the people a sign? They wanted to know who he was. Wouldn’t a sign from God show them once and for all that he was the long-awaited Messiah?

The problem was, Jesus had already given the people plenty of signs. There was the “sign” of his teaching: people hung on his every word as he displayed a wisdom that surpassed even that of King Solomon. Then there were the signs of his miracles. He healed the sick and cast out demons with just a word of command. He even raised people from the dead! And perhaps his greatest “sign” was right in front of them all the time: his very presence! His love, his power, his mercy.

But none of these signs seemed to be enough—they wanted even more. Clearly, for some, there would never be enough signs. No matter how many they had, they would still refuse to believe.

Before we start judging this “evil generation” (Luke 11:29), it’s helpful to remember that Jesus’ words are meant for every generation, including our own! His teachings still apply; his miracles still abound; and now that he is risen, his presence is with us even more powerfully. Still, despite these signs, many choose not to believe in him. They’re still asking for more signs. Or to be more accurate, there are times that even we ask for more, despite all that we have already seen and experienced!

The problem with asking for signs is that we tend to want them on our own terms. But the signs that God wants to give are all around. They’re right in front of you every day: his presence in you, his mercy over you, and his Spirit guiding you. He’s inviting you to make these signs the foundation of your faith in him. Just as he did for the people of his generation, Jesus wants you to trust in him based on all that you have already received.

Know that Jesus himself, risen in glory, is God’s greatest and final sign. Believe in him. Lean on him. And praise him for his faithfulness and mercy.

“Jesus, open my eyes so I can see all the signs of your presence and your love!”

Galatians 4:22-24, 26-27, 31–5:1
Psalm 113:1-7
Luke 11:29-32


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