One of the men who accompanied us the whole time . . .

The first time we hear of Matthias is when the apostles are considering who will take the place of Judas. Yet Matthias must have been a familiar face to the community of disciples. Peter says he “accompanied us the whole time the Lord Jesus came and went among us, beginning from the baptism of John until the day on which he was taken up from us” (Acts 1:21-22).

Though Matthias wasn’t initially one of the Twelve, he probably supported Jesus’ ministry in important ways. He was quite possibly among the seventy-two whom Jesus sent out to announce the coming of the kingdom (Luke 10:1-12). As he followed Jesus from place to place, he was surely needed for a variety of tasks, from crowd control to finding places to sleep and food to eat. There must have been many other disciples who were part of this “support team.” They knew that not everyone could be part of Jesus’ inner circle, yet they still considered it an honor to serve him in whatever way they could. And surely Jesus knew them and recognized how crucial they were to his ministry.

Have you ever been called on to work behind the scenes in ways that could easily go unnoticed or even be taken for granted? When that happens, we could be tempted to think that we aren’t gifted or worthy enough to do anything else. But every work God calls us to do is important. Whether it’s keeping track of paperwork or offering refreshments, our presence is necessary in building God’s kingdom. Furthermore, the Lord sees us and appreciates our labor.

According to tradition, Matthias went on to preach the gospel in modern-day Turkey and was eventually crucified for his faith. All the work he did before being named an apostle was preparation for this greater, more visible role. Yet it was an honor for him to serve the Lord all his life, no matter what part he played. May we also recognize what an honor it is to build God’s kingdom in whatever way he is calling us!

“St. Matthias, pray that I may say yes to all the ways I am being asked to serve.”

Acts 1:15-17, 20-26
Psalm 113:1-8
John 15:9-17


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