The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him.

Wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, fear of the Lord: the list probably sounds familiar.   You likely memorized it at your Confirmation.   But these gifts are more than abstract virtues that you hope will materialize in your life.   They are practical tools that God has given you to help you live a Spirit-filled, victorious life.   He has placed them in your spiritual tool belt, hoping that you will take them out and learn how to use them.

One thing you’ll discover is that as you take out a tool or try to exercise a spiritual gift, God will come alongside and help you.   He will give you the strength to turn from temptation.   He will bring to your mind a “word of wisdom” to use when a friend or loved one is anxious and doesn’t know what to do next.   He will give you the courage to say no to temptation.

Far from being abstractions, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are meant to be very practical.   Try dusting them off and experimenting with different ways you can use them in your everyday life.

Here’s one way: let’s say your child is going through a rebellious or anxious phase in life, and it’s making you feel like tearing your hair out.   Take out the tool of understanding.   Pray about what life is like for that child right now.   Try to anticipate a situation that may be difficult for the two of you and decide ahead of time how to approach it.   Ask the Holy Spirit to help you find the right balance between correction and encouragement.   At the end of the day, look back at that situation, and see how God helped you use this gift.   Perhaps you surprised your child by connecting in a new way.   Perhaps you need to ask your child’s forgiveness for something you said or failed to do.   Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what to build on or work on tomorrow.

The more you practice, the more you’ll find the giver of these good gifts working right with you.

word among us

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