The Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” 

Barnabas, whose feast we celebrate today, was a pivotal figure in the early Church. In fact, without his ardent desire to share the gospel and care for God’s people, the Church might never have grown as quickly or spread as far as it did.

We are first introduced to Barnabas in Acts 4. Out of love for Christ and his followers, he sold a piece of property and gave the money to the apostles to distribute to the needy among them. No wonder he was nicknamed “Barnabas,” which means “son of encouragement” (4:36)! He must have lifted the sagging spirits of his fellow believers in the midst of their hardship and persecution.

As a trusted brother in the Lord, Barnabas was sent to Antioch to investigate reports that Gentiles were coming to faith in Christ (Acts 11:22). He then teamed up with Paul to teach these new believers, undertook a relief mission for the Jerusalem community, and finally, with Paul, was “set apart” by the Holy Spirit for their first missionary journey (11:25, 30; 13:2).

Barnabas must have possessed many gifts that helped him become such an effective evangelist. But his story tells us that his most important gift was his passion for Christ. And the source of that passion? He was “filled with the Holy Spirit and faith” (Acts 11:24).

By virtue of our Baptism, God has “set apart” each and every one of us to contribute to the building up of his kingdom. But Barnabas would tell you that you can’t do this kind of work by yourself. You need the Holy Spirit, not only to equip you with talents and gifts, but to give you a burning desire to see that kingdom flourish in your midst.

Today, ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with a passion to do the work to which he has called you (Acts 13:2). If you’re not sure what that work is, keep asking God to show you. If you’ve been doing God’s work but are feeling worn out or discouraged, ask the Spirit to inflame your heart with renewed determination and hope. Then trust that he will do it!

“St. Barnabas, pray for me to be a passionate disciple, just as you were.”

Acts 13:21-26; 13:1-3
Psalm 98:1-6
Matthew 5:13-16


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