She entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. 

Why is it that Mary “set out . . . in haste” to see her older kinswoman (Luke 1:39)? She could have just sent a message. Nowadays, maybe a text with some hearts or a “hug” reaction on social media would do the trick. So excited to hear your big news! Zechariah must have been speechless when he found out!

We know deep down that those types of communication are inadequate, especially when there is something momentous going on. We learned during the pandemic how amazing video calls and livestreaming are, but we also learned that they are no substitute for being together in person.

There is something profoundly human about being in someone else’s presence. It’s so essential, in fact, that God himself took this approach after centuries of speaking through the prophets. Scripture tells us that “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (John 1:14, emphasis added).

We call Mary the model disciple because, among other things, she echoes God’s style of loving. As God hastened to us in the Incarnation, so Mary hastened to Elizabeth at the Visitation. Though Jesus was just beginning to grow in her womb, Mary was already responding to her vocation. Rather than staying home in Nazareth preparing for the birth of her son, she put someone else first. Moved by the Spirit, she ran to Elizabeth to serve her. In the flesh. In person.

Of course, the Holy Spirit was present in the Visitation in a unique way, but the same Spirit still flows through you when you take the time to be with another person. Consider the difference your embrace can make in a hospital room or funeral parlor. Or how your invitation to coffee might come at just the right time. Or how giving your undivided attention to your child, parent, or friend—especially when you are tired—can be a powerful reflection of God’s closeness.

In a world filled with distractions, let Mary show you God’s way of loving.

“Jesus, help me to be present to my loved ones just as Mary was present to Elizabeth.”

Zephaniah 3:14-18
(Psalm) Isaiah 12:3-6
Luke 1:39-56


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