. . . striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace.
You’ve probably heard of the French phrase esprit de corps. It means “spirit of the body,” and it describes a feeling of fellowship and common loyalty that people might have for one another. Businesses and sports teams try to cultivate this attitude because it can help individuals work together as a cohesive team. You may have experienced this feeling yourself when you were part of a group that accomplished something together.
This sense of being part of something bigger than yourself is also a good starting point for understanding what Paul means by the “unity of the spirit.” He tells the Ephesians they have a high calling: to work together for the coming of God’s kingdom, to do and to become something magnificent and meaningful together.
Unity in the Spirit is a gift that God gave to each one of us when he made us part of the body of Christ. No matter who we are, male or female, young or old, and no matter what nationality or race, we share the same heavenly Father and we have all received the same Spirit.
As much as our unity is a gift from God, however, we still need to work to preserve it. That’s where esprit de corps comes in. When we’re trying to live in the Spirit, with each person using the gifts God has given him toward a greater good, we can remain united. We can put aside our differences and work toward something meaningful together: his mission on earth. It’s something much more important than watching our sports team win or successfully completing a group project at work or school. We are building God’s eternal kingdom and pushing back the darkness of sin!
The devil wants to isolate us, but as we work together, we can overcome him and his efforts to divide us. It doesn’t matter whether you’re evangelizing, serving the poor, or just setting up chairs for a meeting. When people see members of the Church loving and serving Jesus as one, they will take notice!
“Lord, thank you for bringing me into your family. Help me to preserve that unity as I join my brothers and sisters in building your kingdom!”
Ephesians 4:1-6
Psalm 24:1-6
Luke 12:54-59