Suddenly there will come to the temple the Lord whom you seek.

Malachi’s words seem written just for today’s feast of the Presentation of the Lord: Jesus came “suddenly” into the Temple (3:1). Quietly, without fanfare, in the arms of his mother, yes, but suddenly nonetheless—in an unexpected way. Simeon had been waiting for years to see him, even though he didn’t know exactly who he was waiting for. And so when the Spirit led him into the Temple to meet this poor, humble infant, he was probably surprised. This was the Messiah that Simeon was longing for.

Just as it was for Simeon and the whole people of Israel, so it is for you: there is always something both expected and unexpected about Jesus’ coming. Like Simeon, you may have a time of waiting and then a surprising but joyful fulfillment.

For example, maybe you’re agonizing over a complicated relationship, and out of the blue, an idea for reconciliation comes to you. Or just when you’re ready to give up fighting a long-standing temptation, you suddenly find the grace to resist. Maybe you’re not even seeking Jesus very eagerly. But then, during Mass or in prayer, his Spirit brings his word to life in you in a new and powerful way.

It’s like two sides of a coin. We long for Jesus; we look for his coming into the “temple” of our lives and the situations that weigh on us. And when Jesus does come, it’s often not in the way we expect or even hope for.

You might associate waiting and longing for the Lord with Advent. But Advent is long past. The feast of the Presentation is a reminder that seeking the Lord and waiting for his coming isn’t just for one season of the year. He can come suddenly into the temple of your life at any time, even today! So stay faithful. Be ready. And be open to surprises as he answers your prayers or shows himself to you in a new and unexpected way.

“Lord, I long for you. Come into my life today.”

Psalm 24:7-10
Hebrews 2:14-18
Luke 2:22-40
Malachi 3:1-4


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