Take the first fish that comes up. Open its mouth and you will find a coin. 

Wouldn’t we all like to find the money for our taxes in the mouth of a fish!   Jesus certainly surprised Peter with this unconventional tax plan.   How easy it would be if Jesus stood beside us all day, visibly present and explaining how to meet every challenge that came along.   How to appease the tax collector would be just the start!

The truth is, Jesus loves to share his thoughts.   He is always speaking to us.   Or to put it in a more immediate personal way, he is always speaking to you.

Sometimes Jesus speaks matter-of-factly about practical needs.   He offered Peter a simple concrete (unusual) way to solve a problem.   He can do that for you too.   Try to lean into his presence and listen at different points during your day.   Perhaps an idea will pop into your thoughts as you ask about an issue or need.   Or maybe a friend will give you a suggestion that seems just right.   Jesus might be speaking to you through him or her!

Other times, Jesus speaks in more mystical ways, as he spoke to Ezekiel in scripture.   Ezekiel recognized that God was speaking to him in the violent winds, the flashing fire, the flapping wings, and the roaring waters—even if he wasn’t exactly sure of what the message was.   It’s like that sometimes, almost like learning a foreign language.   God occasionally does speak through dreams, visions, and even talking donkeys!

More often than not, God speaks in more commonplace ways.   He may make a line from Scripture strike a chord in your heart.   A homily at Mass may seem to have been written exactly to help you.   Or a conversation gives you direction, encouragement, or wisdom when you need it most and expect it least.

God can use anything.   He is speaking always, everywhere.   Little by little you can learn to hear his voice.   Then, with practice, you will grow in understanding what God is saying and how he wants you to respond.

Word among us

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