The battle is the Lord’s.

When we are face-to-face with adversity, it can fill our entire field of vision. It’s like looking through binoculars at an object right in front of us; all we can see is the problem. That’s one way we can explain the anxiety of Saul and his army as they faced Goliath and the Philistines.

By contrast, David’s greatest gift was not his skill with a sling but the grace of a godly perspective, the ability to see the big picture. All Saul and his men could see was the giant Goliath, and that filled them with dread. David, on the other hand, saw the whole landscape, both heavenly and earthly, and that’s what filled him with courage and indignation (1 Samuel 17:45). Because he could see beyond the size and prowess—and arrogance—of Goliath, he was unfazed. There was no question in his mind who would prevail.

How can you muster the courage of David when you are facing some kind of Goliath? By remembering that the Lord who stood with the armies of Israel is the same Lord who is standing right beside you! He is with you as your fortress, your stronghold, your deliverer, and your shield (Psalm 144:2).

As you recall the truths of God’s unwavering presence, you can take heart and proclaim in faith: “This battle is not only mine. It also belongs to the Lord. I don’t have to tackle it all on my own.” And if you feel you are lacking in confidence, you can ask the Holy Spirit to give you the same gift of perspective that this shepherd boy had when he confronted that giant.

Your heavenly Father knows every hair on your head. He knows what you need, even better than you do, and will never fail to provide for you. It’s these truths of who God is that stand at the heart of the heavenly perspective. Even if you don’t see a dramatic victory unfold in that moment, you can be assured that God is at work nonetheless—simply because of who he is.

So take courage today as you keep the big picture in view—the guiding and protecting love of God—in every situation!

“Lord, help me to hand over my battles to you, who are always at my side.”

1 Samuel 17:32-33, 37, 40-51
Psalm 144:1-2, 9-10
Mark 3:1-6


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