The Holy Spirit came upon them.
“Holy what?” The disciples whom Paul encountered in Ephesus didn’t know there was a Holy Spirit, or even that Jesus was the Messiah. But when Paul shared the good news and prayed with them, their eyes were opened to the spiritual gifts that were now theirs through Christ.
The Ephesian disciples knew that the Spirit had come upon them because they were able to prophesy and speak in God-given tongues (Acts 19:6). Such manifestations were a sure sign of the Spirit’s presence in the early Church, and even today there are believers who experience these “charismatic” gifts (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). While these are two of the more obvious signs of the Spirit, Scripture tells us about other gifts that we might experience (Isaiah 11:2-3):
• When you pray for guidance and receive wisdom, that’s the Spirit.
• When you are tempted to do or say something rash and you resist by saying a quick Hail Mary, God’s Spirit of counsel is giving you restraint.
• When you are looking for credit for your accomplishments, fear of the Lord reminds you that all your talents come from God.
• When you are confused about Church teaching on a moral issue and you stumble across a podcast that gives you insight, the Spirit is granting you knowledge and understanding.
• When you are at the end of your rope but keep persevering in faith, you are being filled with fortitude.
• When you are feeling restless at Mass but a hymn fills you with a sense of God’s love, the Spirit is giving you piety.
Pentecost is approaching, so let’s ask the Lord to fill us with even more of his gifts so that we can better serve him and his body.
Be sure to ask freely and expectantly. Remember, God “does not ration his gift of the Spirit” (John 3:34). Maybe in this season of your life, you are in special need of fortitude or wisdom. Maybe you’d like to experience one of the charismatic gifts. Whatever it is, don’t be shy about asking. God wants it for you even more than you do!
“Come upon me, Holy Spirit! Strengthen your gifts within me.”
Psalm 68:2-7
John 16:29-33
Acts 19:1-8
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