The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.

In the ancient world, a conquering ruler would send out emissaries to neighboring cities that he wanted to absorb into his territory. These heralds would announce the incoming kingdom and proclaim the power and glory of the king. This was both an invitation (You, too, can come under the protection of so great an empire) and a threat (If you refuse, your city will be destroyed).

In today’s Gospel, Jesus sends out his twelve apostles to announce his kingdom of heaven in much the same way. But instead of making a show of military power to instill fear, the apostles bring a power that liberates everyone who welcomes them. And rather than subjecting people to oppression, where the strong trample the weak, the ministers of this heavenly kingdom pay special attention to the weak. They seek out people who are sick, outcast, and oppressed by evil spirits, and they offer them healing, love, and freedom. Jesus is bringing in a new kind of kingdom!

Imagine living in one of these Jewish villages when the apostles arrive! This pair of poor, uneducated men enter your town and proclaim, “The Kingdom of heaven is at hand!” (Matthew 10:7). Even more amazing, they begin to perform great deeds in the name of someone named Jesus. What excitement and hope you would feel! You would rush to them and bring them your many needs. You would cast aside the cloth you usually use to hide your ugly sores and ask one of them to touch your wounds. You would tell your sick sister or tormented brother to come meet these followers of Jesus who carry the power of God.

Today Jesus is still sending out his servants who proclaim the same kingdom and offer the same grace and power that flow from Christ himself. He comes to you through the Church and her ministers. He comes to you in the life-changing words of Scripture and the grace of the sacraments. And he comes through the kind deeds and prayers of ordinary disciples. Do not hide your sin or weakness, your disillusionment or sickness, but run to meet Jesus! In him you will find mercy, healing, and forgiveness.

The kingdom is here!

“Lord, may your kingdom come in my life today.”

Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9
Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16
Matthew 10:7-15


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