Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The law was our disciplinarian for Christ. 

Why would Paul refer to the law as a “disciplinarian” (Galatians 3:24)? That’s the title given, in ancient times, to a servant who was tasked with escorting a student to school and overseeing his education. Paul wanted the Galatians to understand that the Law of Moses played a similar role in preparing God’s people for salvation in Christ.

The Galatians were converts from paganism who had come to faith through Paul’s preaching of the cross and resurrection of Christ. But sometime after Paul left, some overly zealous Jewish Christians arrived and told them that in order to be saved, they needed to accept circumcision and follow the Jewish law as well. Understandably, the Galatians were confused.

Paul was quick to clarify: it was through the gift of faith that they were saved, not through adherence to the Law. The Law and its negative disciplines—the “thou shalt nots”—were meant to keep God’s people safe until Jesus came and sent his Spirit into their hearts. And now, because that same Spirit dwells in us, we can fulfill the law as we learn to live by the Spirit and not by our fallen nature.

Just think! Because the Spirit lives in you, you can do more than just avoid sin. You can also ask the Spirit to help you imitate Jesus and live out this law of love in your day-to-day life.

For example, you know God has said you shouldn’t covet other people’s possessions. That’s true, but you can go further. You can ask the Spirit to help you be content with what you have. You can even ask him to open your eyes to the needs around you and to free your heart to meet those needs. That’s one way to translate the “thou shalt nots” into love of God and neighbor.

So practice listening to the Spirit. Tell him you want to learn how to follow his guidance. Ask him to help you fulfill the law of love just as Jesus did. That’s the path to freedom and peace.

“Holy Spirit, help me to live in love.”

Galatians 3:22-29
Psalm 105:2-7
Luke 11:27-28


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