The Lord will be passing by. 

Have you ever experienced the presence of God in nature? The majesty of the Grand Canyon, for instance, can awaken a sense of your own smallness and God’s infinite greatness. Indeed, God is present everywhere, but he also chooses to reveal his presence in a special way in particular times and places. That’s what happens in today’s first reading when God promises Elijah that “the Lord will be passing by” (1 Kings 19:11). But “the Lord was not in the wind” or in the earthquake or in the fire; instead, Elijah knew God was present when he heard a “tiny whispering sound” (19:11-12).

God’s way of making himself known to Elijah shows how personal he is. When God visited Elijah, the once bold prophet was in despair. He had tried to be faithful to the Lord but had to flee for his life. Taking shelter in a cave, Elijah prayed for death (1 Kings 19:3-4). So it makes sense that God didn’t come to him in a grand earthquake or a blazing fire. He chose to come in a gentle, tender way and start a conversation: “Why are you here?” (19:13). And so began God’s work to rebuild Elijah’s faith and confidence.

This encounter can give us hope! Our God is indeed eternal and present in all of creation, which he holds in existence from moment to moment. But he also chooses to be uniquely concerned with each human being—including each one of us—in a particular way.

God paid special attention to Elijah, and he pays special attention to you. You’re not just an anonymous individual in a big crowd of Christians. You’re certainly not an accidental organism, alive for a brief moment in the history of the universe. God sees you. He knows you completely, and he is part of the unique story of your life.

God wants to speak personally to you. Listen for him when you read Scripture or go to Mass or take a walk today. He might share a word of conviction or compassion or encouragement. He might even ask you a question. So be on the lookout: the Lord is passing by!

“Lord, help me to hear your still, small voice today.”

1 Kings 19:9, 11-16
Psalm 27:7-9, 13-14
Matthew 5:27-32


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