The one who is least among all of you is the one who is the greatest.

St. Vincent de Paul, whom we celebrate today, liked to tell his followers, “Go to the poor. You will find God.” But Vincent knew that sometimes we can harbor attitudes of judgment or superiority toward the people we are trying to help, and that can make them feel small or ashamed. That’s why Vincent added, “It is for your love alone that the poor will forgive you the bread you give them.” In other words, if we approach people with humility and love when we are serving them, we will be careful to treat them with reverence. We will encounter God in them and discover that the least among us is actually the greatest (Luke 9:48).

Here are a couple of examples of just this process.

Joe volunteered at the local food pantry. One man returned week after week complaining about the bread. Joe decided that instead of being annoyed with the man, he would learn his name and pay closer attention to his needs and preferences. When Joe set aside a package of soft rolls with the man’s favorite filling, he was met with a cheerful grin. “You know,” he told Joe, “I’m not homeless. This city is my home. I just don’t have a roof over my head right now.” The ensuing conversation blessed Joe with new understanding and perspective.

Carol took the time to call and check in on a homebound widow from her parish. She was touched when the woman asked about her own concerns and promised to put them on her prayer list. But when she called a couple of months later to check in again, Carol was surprised that the woman asked about her prayer intentions. Even more, she realized that if the woman hadn’t asked, she might have overlooked the way God had answered those faithful prayers.

Jesus comes to meet us in the “least among us,” who are truly the greatest. Let’s take the risk of going out to the poor so that we can, as St. Vincent says, “Find God.”

“Jesus, I don’t want to miss the opportunities to meet you in those the world might consider least.”

Zechariah 8:1-8
Psalm 102:16-23, 29
Luke 9:46-50


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