Saint Peter Chrysologus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

The righteous will shine like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father.

Did you ever have some good news that you just had to share with someone else, only to be met with disinterest? Your excitement probably diminished quickly, and you may have regretted sharing it at all.

It’s even more challenging when we share the good news of Jesus. Maybe you were moved by the image of the Good Shepherd in Scripture or by your time with Jesus in Adoration. You really wanted to tell someone else about your experience, but you feared what their reaction might be. So you refrained from sharing the light and joy of Christ.

If that’s your experience, then today’s Gospel is for you. Jesus explains to his disciples that at “the end of the age, . . . the righteous will shine like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father” (Matthew 13:39, 43). Imagine: you will beam with the glory of God as the good news of the gospel naturally shines forth from you. What a glorious day that will be! There will be no more opposition or indifference—and no discouragement!

But did you know that even today, you already shine? At your Baptism, you received Jesus, “the true light,” and you have become “light” yourself (Catechism, 1216). You carry the light of hope, joy, and peace. You carry the light that can pierce the darkness in and around other people. Yes, you will encounter opposition—maybe an eye roll or a rude remark or cold indifference. But don’t let that stop you from sharing encouraging words, insights, joy, and your bright smile.

One day, joined with all the saints, you will glorify your Father in his kingdom. You will blaze more brightly than ever! But don’t forget that you have the light of Christ in you today. In fact, your light might be just the thing that someone else needs. So don’t put it under a bushel basket. Instead, let it shine for all to see (Matthew 5:14-15)! Don’t let fear or discouragement cover over that light. Let it burn brightly as you look forward to that day when you will glow like the sun in the kingdom of your Father!

“Lord, thank you for your presence in me. Help me to shine your light brightly today.”

Jeremiah 14:17-22
Psalm 79:8-9, 11, 13
Matthew 13:36-43


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