The Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head. 

When Jesus said he had nowhere to lay his head, he wasn’t just talking about a physical place to sleep. Though he traveled from town to town and probably slept in a different location every night, he was giving up more than a comfortable bed. In order to preach the good news, he and his disciples had to leave behind family, friends, and jobs for an unpredictable life. Ultimately, they would be rejected and persecuted by many of the people in their hometowns.

This is why Jesus’ words to the would-be disciple are so poignant. Following Jesus might mean losing the sense of belonging that we associate with the idea of “home”—a place of family, traditions, and refuge.

In order to follow Jesus today, some people still have to give up their sense of home, or even their physical homes. They might experience suffering and isolation, and they might even be arrested or killed. Though that’s not the situation most of us face, being a believer still means experiencing a certain sense of not belonging. You might be the only one in your family to practice your faith or the only one in your neighborhood who attends church on Sundays. You might have different moral values than your coworkers or a different approach to raising your children—all as a result of your faith.

For the disciples, giving up the security and comfort of home was worth it because they had found the Messiah. They wanted to be as close to him as possible. Like them, you also have found the treasure of being with Jesus every day. You can hear from him through the Scriptures and feel his presence in your times of prayer. You have the knowledge and assurance of a God who loves you, as well as the hope that one day you will be with him in your true home, heaven.

Today, renew your commitment to follow Jesus, even if it means not quite fitting in. Ask him to strengthen you and give you courage. Above all, remember how blessed you are to be walking with him each day.

“Lord, give me the courage and strength to follow you.”

Amos 2:6-10, 13-16
Psalm 50:16-23
Matthew 8:18-22


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