The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. 

Paul gives us what might be a new perspective on holiness in today’s first reading. For many of us, holiness is something we think is all but unattainable, especially when we consider our faults and sins. Just look at the saints—they lived lives of heroic virtue. Sure, we hope to get there one day, but it will take a long time and a lot of hard work. But Paul says that we can be “led by the Spirit of God” and “put to death the deeds of the body” (Romans 8:13-14).

How can this be? Because we have been made children of God! He has placed his own Spirit within us, and that Spirit bears witness to our adoption as sons and daughters of God. That same Holy Spirit gives us grace and guidance to take on a resemblance to our heavenly Father. Because living a holy life means thinking and acting and loving like our Father.

Sometimes we forget what incredibly good news that is. We have been adopted into God’s family! We no longer have to be led by the flesh, governed by our inclinations to sin or haunted by our past failures. We can be directed by the Spirit and live more virtuous lives now. We can go beyond what is possible on our own because holiness isn’t something we achieve on our own.

So keep your eyes open for the opportunities God will give you today to be led by the Spirit. Perhaps you will feel prompted to offer to pray for someone going through a hard time. Or maybe you’ll be able to resist the temptation to lose your temper, to indulge yourself, or to neglect an important but difficult task.

In so many situations, the Spirit wants to help you be holy and live as a child of God. So be sure to call on him, even before you start your day. Ask him to fill you. Ask him to guide you and give you his peace, joy, and strength. You are a child of God, and his Spirit will always help you to live like one!

“Thank you, heavenly Father, for giving me your Spirit to guide me into holiness!”

Romans 8:12-17
Psalm 68:2, 4, 6-7, 20-21
Luke 13:10-17


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